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The Importance of Insurance surveys

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  • Insurance surveys
  • Posted date:
  • 07-04-2016
The Importance of Insurance surveys

The Importance of Insurance surveys

Once you have owned a boat for a certain length of time it is likely that you will need to arrange for an insurance survey.

These types of surveys are often requested by insurance companies when your boat reaches a certain age. This is often around the 20 year mark; followed by 5 yearly checks thereafter.

The survey itself will often come in two parts; the out of water structural survey and the valuation. Both aspects are equally as important and much like any other inspection on your boat, should be carried out by an expert marine surveyor.

So what does the survey look at? It is a comprehensive screen shot of the vessel as a whole. This takes into account the safety, structural condition and seaworthiness of the vessel.

It will not look at the plumbing, furnishing, electrics and sails, yet you may find that these aspects appear in the report.

The report itself, once compiled will be targeted to underwriters rather than the owner of the ship. This is because it is an informative report on the insurability of the vessel.

As an owner you may feel that your boat is in good working order and be surprised that the report raises some issues. However this is usual on every report and is usually nothing to be concerned about.

If the boat is insurable and seaworthy then this is the key outcome of the report regardless of the issues that may have been raised.

Why not get in touch with Cetec Marine and see if we can help you with your insurance survey needs?

Are you looking for a boat surveyor near you. Follow the links below to contact our marine surveyor for Surrey and South England.